When we are talking about rice recipes, particularly pressure cooker / Instant Pot rice recipes, it is really really really important to use the correct variety, which in this case, is Arborio rice.
Each type of rice will hold up differently under pressure, require different amounts of liquid, and produce an outcome that is specific to its grain and processing, so for this recipe to turn out, make sure you stick with the Arborio.
Each type of rice will hold up differently under pressure, require different amounts of liquid, and produce an outcome that is specific to its grain and processing, so for this recipe to turn out, make sure you stick with the Arborio.
With this recipe I’m using Williams Sonoma’s Lemon, Parmesan and Leek Risotto to make life just a little easier and reduce the amount of ingredients usually required for this recipe.
Because of the lemon in the Williams Sonoma Risotto I’m substituting peas for asparagus. This recipe serves 4-6 Total Time: 40 minutes
Ingredients: 1 11oz Williams Sonoma Instant Pot Lemon, Parmesan and Leek Risotto
2 cloves garlic diced
3 Tablespoons olive oil
1 Tablespoon butter salted
1/2 cup dry white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup asparagus, diced
3 cups chicken stock low or no salt
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper ground
1 1/2 cups Parmesan, optional and divided
1/4 teaspoon thyme leaves dried
Remove the lid from the Instant Pot, press "Sauté", and set the timer for 15 minutes to give you enough time to sauté everything. Once the display reads "HOT", add the 3 Tablespoons of olive oil to the pot. Give the oil about a minute to heat up. While the oil is heating up in the pot, season the boneless, skinless chicken breasts with the salt, pepper, and thyme. Making sure the entire bottom of the hot pot has a thin layer of oil coating it, (so the chicken doesn’t stick) place the seasoned chicken breasts into the pot top-side down. Cook for four minutes, then carefully remove each breast and set it aside on a plate for now.
Add the butter and mushrooms to the pot, using a wooden or metal spoon to scrape up any bits the chicken left behind and to coat the mushrooms in the fat as they cook. Cook for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the garlic and risotto, and cook while stirring for 1 minute. Add the wine to the pot, and stir everything to loosen any bits stuck to the bottom. Cook the wine with the mushrooms, garlic, and risotto for about 1 minute, and then add the chicken stock to the pot and stir to combine everything.
Press the cancel button to stop the Sauté function. Set the chicken on top of the rice ( do NOT push it down into the pan ), lock the lid onto the pot and close the steam valve ( set it to sealing ). Press the Manual or Pressure Cook button and set the timer for 5 minutes. Once the pot has come up to pressure and then cooked for 5 minutes, the pot will move to "Keep Warm" on its own and the timer will begin counting back up. After 5 minutes of Natural Pressure Release ( i.e. 5 minutes of the timer counting up ), carefully open the steam valve to quickly release the rest of the pressure.
Remove the lid, remove the chicken breasts from the pot and set aside on a clean plate. Stir the diced asparagus and add 1 cup of parmesan cheese (optional, if you want it cheesier) into the risotto in the pot, and then place the lid back on and let the pot sit for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes are up, transfer risotto to a serving dish, top with chicken breasts and sprinkle on remaining grated Parmesan cheese. Easy Peasy!
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